indian art - miniatures - archecticture - vedic philosophy

Classical - Kishangarh Paintings
Plate 3 - Boat of Love  

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1735-1748 A.D. - 16" x 22"
This scene is set on the river Jamuna at eventide and is divided into two halves. The upper portion depicts a leisured journey along the Jamuna waters, while in the lower part the lovers are seen after they have alighted and entered the kunja (woodland grove).

"Oh saki! Hearing the flutesong of Mukunda, the river is carrying all the lotuses like gifts in her thousands of arms and offering them as pushpanjali (an offering of flowers) to Krishna's feet. The waves of the river have stopped
flowing, and a whirlpool has been created. This whirlpool is a symptom of mahabhava, the river's prema (pure love) for Krishna.
Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja
- Bhakti-rasayan -
(c) 1994 Sri Gaudiya Vedanta Samiti